The Egyptian King Zoser
The first ruler of the Third Dynasty is King Djoser, he is also the owner of the famous Step Pyramid at Saqqara. The step pyramid is considered one of the first pyramids on earth and from it is type. King Zoser has a glamorous statue which is the oldest known life-size statue in Egypt. The statue has special characteristics: The eyes are decorated with crystal, but it was removed by ancient thieves. There’s a special sentence made for King Zoser “His body is divine” is written on the statue in hieroglyphic letters. You can see King Zoser’s statue during Cairo Day Tours with the Great Giza pyramids and the Sphinx statue.
After King Khasekhemwy the last king of the Second Dynasty, King Zoser inherited the throne. He is believed to be the founder of the Third Dynasty; in addition, His kingdom lasted for more than 29 years, and he was one of the most prominent kings of this era, you can discover its history through your tour within Egypt Classic Tours in Egypt. There are two tombs for King Zoser which he built one of them as the king of Upper Egypt, in the north of "Araba", and another tomb was built for him as the king of Lower Egypt in Saqqara.
One of these tombs is believed to be the oldest pyramid in history, the Step Pyramid. People come and spend many hours and sometimes days exploring the step pyramids through Egypt Christmas Tours and exploring Memphis city. Imhotep was the engineer who built this step building, which is the largest stone building from different-sized layers in the Nile Valley. In addition to his intelligent engineering mentality, he was passionate about medicine and administration methods.
He was very famous and known during his age to the extent that he was believed to be medicine god. King Zoser is the first king to enter Nubia beyond the cataract to the burnt area halfway to the second cataract, and he is the one to whom the Greeks attribute the conquest of the region known as "Dodekashen", meaning the area that is about 143 kilometers long from Elephantine and onwards.