God Aton | Aten God of Egypt
Detais About God Aton
Aton is the God proclaimed by King Akhenaten and considered the sun to be the unified God with no partner and Light Aton benefiting all races, representing Aton in the form of a sundeck, with its rays ending with human hands, to give life and prosperity to the royal family. After Akhenaten's death, Aton again returned to his first place as an Egypgoddess.
The word "aton" means: (sun, sun disk), (sun lord's headquarters), or (sun disk, visible appearance). The word has appeared in texts since the age of the first transition in "coffin texts"; However, the emergence of the Lord "Aton" has begun since the King's reign "Hope III". [1]
Aton does not take any animal or human appearance, but it is depicted only in the form of a sundeck, and its radiation appears to be in the form of arms with hands that blow life, strength and vitality.
Aton showed this image in many paintings found in the houses of "Tal al-Amarneh", which were placed inside the houses to worship this Lord. The debate has arisen as to whether the worship of "Aton" was based on the physical form of the sun disk, or was worshipped as the power inherent in that disk; The idol "Aton" is embodied in the power inherent in the sun's disk, which blows life, light, light and heat into existence, he is a creator and a gifter of life.