The Nubian Village
Facts about The Nubian Village
The ancient Egyptians referred to Nubia as "the land of bows" because of the great skill of its archers. Numerous civilizational kingdoms flourished there, some of which ruled over the entire Nile Valley and the Mediterranean Sea to the north. Throughout history, the people of Nubia served as Egypt's first line of defense to protect its southern borders.
Where the history of Nubia is replete with many events and victories, the Nubians were protecting Egypt's southern borders, and from the people of Nubia was King Mina, the unifier of the two countries of the first Egyptian dynasty, and when the Hyksos invaded Egypt, King Ahmose used the skilled craftsmen from the people of Nubia in rebuilding the Egyptian army that expelled the Hyksos.
Nubians were used by Muhammad Ali to develop the Egyptian army in the modern period. They also demonstrated their deep awareness of the nation's paramount interest by making significant sacrifices to construct the High Dam.
The Nubia region includes 38 villages and one bandra, and the Nubian village or city consists of a group of widely spaced dwellings, which are often located on the bank of the Nile or both banks and are called Najaa.
In Nubia, there are no roads that are suitable for land transportation, so the only means of transportation available to the people are the Nile and their dhows or Nile steamers. Animals are used to travel between neighboring villages via mountain trails.
By using bright colors that reflect the ancient Nubian nature, utilizing Nubian folklore to draw tourists to the Nubian village, and creating an atmosphere amidst the picturesque surroundings, the villagers were able to capitalize on the charming natural surroundings and transform their homes on the banks of the Nile River into works of art.
As a kind of customs and traditions passed down from the ancestors, some villagers in West Suhail raise Nile crocodiles in iron cages inside their homes. This has recently drawn the attention of tourists, who are eager to take memorial photos with the small crocodiles and feed the adults from them in addition to the handicrafts that the Nubian house contains, which are made by housewives using natural materials.