Mosque of Abu Abbas Al Mursi | Alexandria
Mosque of Abu Abbas Al Mursi
Al-Mursi Abu Al-Abbas Mosque is considered as the foremost in Alexandria and the Arab world as it enshrines one of the righteous and guardians of God. The righteous guardian who embraced the Quran and Tafseer within the span of a year, thus he exhibited signs of success and jurisprudence at the age of 15, was the man who was taught history by his father in the city of Murcia in Andalusia and later, settled in Alexandria whereby he started a center for Quran memorization and studying of the religion’s tenets and practices to a point when it was already attracting people of all regions of the world.
Mario Rossi was born in Rome, Italy, in 1897, and after completing his studies at the School of Fine Arts, he came to Egypt at the age of twenty, as part of a group of European engineers hired by King Fouad I to the Ministry of Works with the purpose of overseeing the construction of royal palaces at that period.
Europian mosques and other religious edifices attract her special interest and offered her a number of mosque designs to work on including the sgraphic design works of Abu Abbas Mosque the construction of which was commenced in 1933 and the inauguration jamma moques prayer was conducted on the mosques office in 1945 in. The mosques design incorporated eyeballing concepts of with regards to polygonal design threes equatorial elevation of the house incorporated unique designs of the mids burr architecture and some aspects of the southern belt architecture.
Sidi al-Mursi Abu al-Abbas is Shihab al-Din Abu al-Abbas Ahmad bin Hassan bin Ali al-Khazraji bin Ali al-Khazraji al-Ansari al-Mursi, who was born in the city of Murcia in Andalusia in 616 AH corresponding to 1219 AD, from where he obtained his nickname al-Mursi, whose lineage is related to the companion Saad bin Obadah. King Fouad I donated fifty pounds as a contribution to the construction work during the construction of the mosque in the same place as the old mosque, while preserving the location of the shrines.