Tunis Village in El Fayoum Oasis

Tunis Village, an oasis of beauty in Fayoum

Tunis Village, an oasis of beauty in Fayoum

The village of Tunis in Fayoum governorate, a simple rural village, turned into an oasis of beauty and a destination for artists from different countries of the world, after a visual artist from Switzerland lived there and was fascinated by the nature and charm of the village.

It is similar in its geographical map to Egypt, where it is characterised by blue waters where it is bordered by Lake Qarun, and the picturesque desert lands north of the lake and the famous desert village, in addition to the green areas cultivated in the village and the surrounding villages.

Tunis Village includes the first caricature museum in the Middle East, established by artist Mohamed Abla to be a destination for artists from all over the world, and the museum includes a rare collection of caricatures of Salah Jahin, Rakha, Sarokhan, Hegazy and others.

The village is home to a number of Arab and foreign artists, an annual ceramics and pottery festival, and the main street in the village is named after Evelyne Bourret in recognition of her contribution to the local community in Tunisia.

The village of Tunis is a beautiful little town inside the Fayoum oasis, on the road to Wady Al Rayan. Situated on a hill, the village offers a magnificent view of the edge of the desert, on the other side of a large saltwater lake. It is considered one of the most beautiful and natural places in Egypt. natural places in Egypt.


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