The Seventh Dynasty of Ancient

The Seventh Dynasty of Ancient Egypt History

Historical Facts Regarding Egypt's Seventh Dynasty

We can consider the beginning of the First Middle Kingdom as the Seventh Dynasty, which ruled from 2140 to 2134 BC. As a result of internal disputes, the Seventh and Eighth Dynasties, which ruled from 2134 to 2124 BC, were a dark period. They ruled from Manif, where their rule did not last 16 years. During the Ninth and Tenth Dynasties, from 2123 to 2040 BCE, the princes of the states were in complete control of their respective emirates, and began to expand their influence, which grew until it approached Manaf, the Delta, and as far south as Assiut.

A period of drought and an arid climate may have devastated sites throughout the Middle East during this time, as evidenced by the fall of towns and civilizations there. Including part of Dynasties 7–10, the period covered 2150–2030 BCE. According to studies, drought and climate change were major factors in the state's decline, which is why the Egyptian central government was weak.

Manetho claims that the Seventh Dynasty ascended to power following the Sixth Dynasty. It lasted 70 days and was ruled by 70 rulers. The likelihood that this occurred is low. The only rational explanation for this is that a council consisting of seventy members of the nation's aristocracy—priests, scribes, top officials, and maybe even officials—formed the government and ruled the nation as a unit. However, Egypt has never before used this kind of administrative structure. Because the Egyptians would never have agreed to these terms, the Seventh Dynasty came to an abrupt end after 70 days. 

Memphis served as the birthplace of the Seventh Dynasty and the location of their capital city. Memphis saw the beginning of a new royal family during the reign of its third monarch. This was the Eighth Dynasty, with Ntry-k3-R' as its founder. In the meantime, Akhtoy (Khety I), the founder of the Ninth Dynasty at Ihnasya, was a prominent family. The majority of academics agree that the Seventh Dynasty chose Memphis as its capital, which is the most compelling theory. The Dynasty ruled for a brief period of time—a few months. Another 15-king royal family took over and established a new dynasty with Memphis as its capital. 

The Seventh Dynasty of Ancient Egypt is one of the less-documented periods in Egyptian history, and there is ongoing debate among historians about its rulers and significance. It is believed to have been a time of political fragmentation and regional rulers rather than centralized authority. Further archaeological discoveries and research may shed more light on this enigmatic dynasty.


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