Farafra Oasis in Egypt

The Egyptian Oasis of El Farfra

Farafra Oasis is one of the most enchanting oases in Egypt, it’s called the land of magic. It is considered the smallest oasis in the Western Desert and it is located almost 627 Kilometers from Cairo. The ancient Egyptians chose it as the land of fertility and growth as mentioned in the papyrus of the Tenth Dynasty. The capital of the Oasis is the Palace of El Farfra, It has been globally recognized after being isolated for a long time. The visitors come to it through Egypt Classic packages from around the world to enjoy its crystal mountains, beautiful nature, and unique shapes of rock formations. Moreover, The Oasis of El Frafra is rich with natural beauty like the Palm groves hot springs, an enchanting lake, natural springs, palms, and olive trees.


Furthermore, The Farafra Oasis proves that the desert has another side, a side full of nature and beauty, the oasis includes the rarest geological formations in Egyptian Country. The citizens of the Oases and visitors from around the world believe that there are therapeutic properties in the flowing water of the natural hot springs similar to the warm springs in Bahriya Oasis and SiwaO ais. People believe that to enjoy swimming in the spring is one of the best ways to relax during your day to refresh and relax. One of the best scenes that you can have is when you climb one of the hills of Farfra Oasis to discover the natural formations of crystal mountains sparkling with the sun light. 


Farafra is an exceptional oasis, the most isolated oasis in the New Caledonia valley. It is famous for its deep-rooted traditions and customs. The oldest part of the village lies at the foot of a hill, near palm groves surrounded by palm trees, close to hot sulfur springs and Lake Mufid. The oasis is surrounded by various natural springs and a large number of palm and olive trees.

Yes, there are good healthcare services available in the Farafra area in Egypt, including hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities.


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