



巴哈利亚绿洲位于开罗西南 330 公里处,距尼罗河谷 180 公里,坐落在山区一个面积达 2000 平方公里的天然洼地中。历史上,巴哈利亚曾是埃及和利比亚之间的通道,由一个利比亚王朝管理,并接受第 26 王朝法老的监督。与哈尔加相比,这里被称为 “小绿洲”。这片绿洲一直都很肥沃,在中王国时期就盛产葡萄酒。考古发现(包括榨酒机及其压榨区)表明,北部绿洲盛产葡萄,为希腊和罗马的餐桌提供了广受欢迎的葡萄酒。此外,椰枣、柑橘类水果、洋葱和家禽(尤其是火鸡)不断被运往尼罗河谷。这座城市一直繁荣到公元四世纪。

绿洲温泉丰富,仍然是椰枣的重要产地。如果您正在考虑参加埃及旅游团,请与开罗顶级旅游公司(Cairo Top Tours)一起探索我们的开罗旅游精选线路,方便地游览巴哈利亚绿洲。巴哈利亚绿洲自第六王朝起就一直处于法老统治之下,巴拉特(Balat)的墓塔就是证明,绿洲的统治者都被安葬在那里。在中王国时期,这里是与尼罗河谷的贸易枢纽;第十二王朝的一块石碑证明了这里与阿比多斯和底比斯的政治联系。后来,随着第十三王朝的衰落,1954 年在卡纳克神庙出土的一块卡莫塞石碑显示,希克索斯国王阿波皮向库什王子发出了从南方进攻埃及的信息。然而,信使和他的通信被卡莫塞截获,确保了埃及的安全。

 The Bahariya oasis is widely recognised as one of Egypt's most beautiful tourist sites, combining the magic of nature with historic monuments. It was once considered a haven of luxury in the middle of the desert, surrounded by black quartz hills. The Bahariya oasis lies 330 kilometres south-west of Cairo and 180 kilometres from the Nile Valley, on a 2,000 km2 natural depression in a mountainous area. In ancient times, Bahariya was considered a bridge between Egypt and Libya, governed by a Libyan family under the control of the pharaohs of the 26th dynasty. Unlike Kharga, it was known as the "little oasis". This "northern" oasis has always been fertile and has been producing wine since the Middle Kingdom. A wine press with a crusher has been discovered, suggesting that the northern oases were covered with vines that provided popular wine for the kitchens of Greece and Rome. Dates, citrus fruits, onions and poultry, especially turkeys, are still sourced from the Nile Valley. The city prospered until the fourth century AD. The oasis has abundant hot springs and remains a major producer of dates.

Yes, the Nile River is home to a variety of fish species, making it an important aquatic ecosystem.


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