


该神庙位于卢克索市;古埃及人称该神庙为 “南方圣地”,因为它位于古底比斯,也就是现在的卢克索市。该神庙可追溯到第十八王朝(约公元前 1550-1295 年)。该神庙通过狮身人面像的游行路线与卡纳克大神庙相连。人们通过埃及经典旅游团从世界各地前来参观卢克索神庙。



古时,寺庙周围是商铺和泥砖房,随着现代新城的建成,这些商铺和泥砖房也随之消失。走进神庙,你会更深地穿越时空和历史。神庙内有一条长长的狮身人面像大道,一直延伸到卡纳克神庙以北 3 公里处,是一个复杂的建筑杰作。

卢克索神庙是埃及尼罗河游轮旅行途经卢克索和阿斯旺时最著名和最具吸引力的景点之一。阿蒙霍特普三世(Amenhotep III)是建造这座神庙的首席建筑师,3400 年前,这座神庙位于伟大的尼罗河东岸,至今仍令人神往。卢克索神庙代表着埃及文明的不朽和永恒。

拉美西斯二世,第一座塔高 24 米;塔前有六尊拉美西斯二世的巨像。神庙包括两座粉红色花岗岩方尖碑,其中一座保持原样,第二座位于巴黎。此外,后面还有拉美西斯二世的大庭院,庭院周围有两排类似莲花花蕾的柱子。美丽的墙壁上装饰着法老祭神时的场景。来到埃及,千万不要错过欣赏这一建筑奇迹的机会。

Each year, thousands of tourists come to the Luxor Temple to view its stunning architecture and learn about its history. Trying the native cuisine is one of the joys of a vacation to Luxor for many tourists. Be sure to try these three delicacies if you're visiting Egypt :

  • In Egypt, koshari is a delicacy that is well-liked. 
  • Another well-known fava bean dish from Egypt is called medames.
  • A soup is molochia. Rice or bread are frequently served with molochia. 

Luxor Temple dates back to the 14th century BCE, during the reign of Amenhotep III. However, it was continuously expanded and modified by subsequent pharaohs, including Tutankhamun, Ramses II, and Alexander the Great, over a span of centuries.

Depending on your degree of curiosity and exploration, a visit to the Luxor Temple may take a variety of hours. Typically, guests explore the temple for one to two hours. Nevertheless, additional time could be required if you want to take your time, take pictures of the details, or take a guided tour. It is advisable to include in the time needed for travel to and from Luxor when making travel plans.

Inside Luxor Temple, there is an obelisk built by Ramses II to depict his military achievements and his victory over enemies in it, which is the first tower 24 meters (79 feet) high, built by Ramses II and decorated with scenes of Ramses' military victories in the (Battle of Kadesh), and also recorded the victories of the pharaohs later, and the victories of the 25th Dynasty (Nubian Dynasty).


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