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在游览阿斯旺市期间享受难忘的经历;选择我们精心组织的一日游,为您提供游览阿斯旺圣西缅修道院的理想服务,这是古老的科普特东正教修道院之一。它是世界上最大的科普特修道院之一,可以追溯到六世纪。该修道院原名为 “哈德拉主教修道院”,在建成一个世纪后,由于缺水,修道院被遗弃,数年无人问津。

位于阿斯旺的圣西缅修道院始建于公元 6 世纪之前,于公元 10 世纪进行了修复,是历史上最重要的科普特修道院之一,因为当基督教在努比亚王国的人民中传播时,许多修道士都曾在此居住过,修道院的墙壁上至今仍保留着描绘基督和圣徒形象的碑文和图画。


享受凯尔顶级旅游公司(Cair Top Tours)为您提供的最佳游览路线。


  • 阿斯旺酒店接送服务。
  • 开罗顶级旅游公司(Cairo Top Tours)聘请的英语导游。
  • 上述历史景点的门票。
  • 阿斯旺 所有交通工具均为现代化空调车。
  • 埃及一日游期间的一瓶水。
  • 阿斯旺圣西缅修道院一日游包含全部服务费和税费。
  • 游览期间骑骆驼。


  • 埃及之旅行程中未提及的任何其他项目。
  • 阿斯旺圣西缅修道院一日游的额外费用。
  • 埃及之旅不包括小费。



圣西蒙又称迦南人和狂热者,他的名字西缅是希伯来语-阿拉姆语名字 “Simeon ”的阿拉伯语化,是 “听者 ”一词的缩写,他是基督的十二使徒之一,也是其中最神秘的一位,因为在基督教最初的几个世纪里,基督教文献中关于他的记载并不多。


我们的专业导游将为您详细讲解一切,在游览过程中,您将有机会了解到阿斯旺是历史悠久的科普特东正教修道院的所在地,其中包括圣西缅修道院。作为六世纪的科普特修道院,它是世界上最大的修道院之一。该修道院原名为 “哈德拉主教修道院”,建成后因缺水而荒废多年。



Number of Persons Prices
1 Person $130 Per Person
2 - 3 Persons $95 Per Person
4 - 6 Persons $70 Per Person
7 - 10 Persons $55 Per Person

Start from : $55

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从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中可以看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Tours)获得了许多客户的积极反馈,他们非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及的每一个地方,向他们展示埃及和圣地游期间参观的每个景点的历史。您可以从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Day Tour)获得了很多客户的积极反馈,他们都非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及和圣地的每一个地方,向他们展示每个景点的历史。

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Becaeuse it is located near Elephantine Island and is known by the locals as the Monastery of Anba Hydra, it dates back to the 6th century. Experience a range of Aswan day tours including this tour to one of the oldest monasteries in Christianity.

St. Simeon Monastery, also known as Deir Anba Samaan, was built in the 7th century in the desert near Aswan, Egypt. It was constructed using traditional stone masonry techniques of the time. The monks quarried local sandstone and used it to create the walls, columns, and other architectural elements. The monastery's design includes a church, living quarters, and a defensive wall. It is renowned for its unique architectural style and its historical significance in early Christian Egypt.

A visit to the Monastery of Saint Simeon, an ancient Coptic monastery located on the west bank of the Nile near Aswan, can be included in day tours from Aswan. However, it is important to note that the inclusion of St. Simeon's Monastery in day tours may vary between different tour packages or tours. The Monastery of Saint Simeon is a historic site dating back to the 7th century and offers insights into Egypt's Coptic Christian history. It's remote location and historical importance make it an interesting stop for tourists interested in religious history and ancient architecture.

naturally! Here are some tips and suggested day trips for tourists to enjoy visiting Aswan:

    A peasant trip on the Nile River.

    Visit the Temple of Philae and the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir Britannia.

    A tour of the Nubian market.

    Visit the Philae Temple and Botanical Garden.

    Enjoy local cuisine.

    Early morning balloon ride.

    Relaxing on the Corniche.

Local culture plays a vital role in the tourism experience in Aswan, as it contributes to enriching and deepening the visitors’ experience and adding a unique and distinctive element to their trip. Here are some of the ways the local cultural element impacts tourists' experience in Aswan:

    Cultural communication:
        Tourists can interact with local people and understand their customs and traditions, whether by visiting popular markets or talking with people in Nubian villages. This helps enhance the cultural communication experience.

    Local events and festivals:
        Attending local festivals and events gives tourists the opportunity to explore local cultural heritage and arts, and this may include traditional dancing, Nubian music, and handicrafts.

    Crafts and shopping:
        Tourists can buy local handmade products that reflect the artistic and craft traditions of local people, supporting the local community and providing visitors with unique memories.

    Visit Nubian villages:
        Visiting Nubian villages provides visitors with an opportunity to learn about Nubian life and explore their environment and traditions.

The best time to visit Aswan is between October and April, when the weather is more moderate compared to the hot summer months.


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