Tomb of Khnumhotep
The owner of that tomb was one of the rulers of the region of the ibex (Manat Khufu) and was the general supervisor of the eastern tribes in the era of the Middle Kingdom (the Twelfth Dynasty) during the reign of King Amenemhat II and Senusret III.
The tombs of Beni Hassan are distinguished by the fact that they include inscriptions and pictures that are not found except in the tombs of Beni Hassan, such as the musical scale. And also scenes of various industries in ancient Egypt. Its entrance is characterized by a color similar to the pink granite
On the outer lintel and the sides, the texts of the prayers of the deceased were engraved, and also the dates of the feasts in which sacrifices should be made to the soul of the deceased were engraved on them.
The tomb contains scenes of the mummy of Khnumhotep in which people make a pilgrimage to Abydos, as well as the scene of Khnumhotep and his family and their pilgrimage journey to Abydos, scenes of pottery and linen industry, and a scene of the king being carried in a how watching shipbuilding.
Khnumhotep is seen with hunting men and his dogs, and everyone is aiming spears toward the prairies, including lions, wild cats, and snakes, containing scenes representing scribes while they are recording livestock.
Khnumhotep and his son and one of the employees are hunting birds, and next to the door is the appearance of Khnumhotep aiming the arrow toward Fish in a swamp in boats of sedge and accompanied by some men.
Khnumhotep appears fishing with a spear without bending. It has been observed that the water and fish have risen to the top near Khnumhotep. This appearance was interpreted by some archaeologists that kings and princes never bow. This aspect is one of the beautiful scenes that appeared in the tomb.
This scene was also interpreted that fishing by The water vacuum is the one that pulls the water up. It contains a list of the names of the offerings and pictures of Khnumhotep and his wife in front of the offering table, and a drawing of their children and some of the offering bearers appeared.
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