Nabq Nature Reserve
The importance of "Nabq" is that it contains several ecosystems at the same time. Its environment is characterized by a unique diversity that combines the mountainous environment with the desert environment, with its sand dunes at Wadi Kid, and an important gathering of animals and birds.
The most famous of its animals are deer, teal, foxes, and lint, as well as many types of rodents and reptiles. . There are also many resident and migratory birds, the most famous of which are eagles, waders, and herons.
The most prominent feature of the Nabq Reserve is its plant system, as its land includes about 134 species of plants, of which at least 86 species have completely disappeared in other places.
The most famous of Nabq-protected plant is the mangrove plant known as the Shuri plant.. This area is the last tropical extension area for the growth of this plant and its assemblies in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.
Mangroves live in brackish or brackish water (especially in estuaries of torrents in the sea), where they can extract fresh water and get rid of salt through their leaves, on which a layer of salt appears. Important for the breeding of fish and invertebrates and settlements for many types of migratory and resident birds. The maximum height of the mangrove tree is about five meters.
Nabq Nature Reserve is located only 25 km north of the main areas of Sharm El Sheikh. This 600-square-kilometer marine reserve offers a unique opportunity to experience nature at its best. It stretches along the Gulf of Aqaba and constitutes the largest coastal park in the region with its diverse terrain and coastline.
Featuring five kilometers of mangroves, this picturesque protected area features a large number of important ecosystems such as coral reefs, marine habitats (kelp beds), marine and terrestrial animals, and dense mangrove forests.
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