Temple of Nadora in Kharga Oasis
Temple of Nadora in Kharga Oasis
The archaeological temple of Al-Nadurah in Al-Kharga Oasis in the New Valley Governorate is considered one of the most important temples and fortified points, which were protecting the oases from the invasions and attacks of thieves who were changing from time to time on the people of the oases, where it is located on a high hill on the eastern side of the entrance to the city of the oasis and 2 km away How many Temple of Hibis. It is not known yet what was called old, but the people of the oases called it "Al-Nadoura", which is derived from the word "Al-Nadhar". It is a place for seeing and following the place around it, as it is located on a high hill.
The Temple of Anadora is an ancient place where all commercial convoys that come through the Forty Trail in the Paris Oasis, beginning from Darfur in Sudan to Assiut, were used. It was used as a castle and a place for collecting taxes, supplies, and supplies for commercial convoys, which were passing next to the temple as there was an ancient water spring. The high hill on which the temple is located in a wonderful panoramic painting, where you can see the city of Kharga and the dense palm trees and is a favorite place to take memorial photos and photograph the Temple of Hibs, fields, and farms located at the entrance to the city in addition to the west and sunrise.